Services Offered

Services are offered directly through LOL staff and/or partners who all share the same mission, vision, and commitment. Once you’ve identified which service(s) are right for your goals, visit our “Free Consultation” page to take the next steps toward your lemonade.

Personal Life Coaching

Life Coaching with LOL helps clients identify and focus on achieving their desired life goals.  The objective is to not let the past control the future; but instead focus on the right now and strategize what’s next.

Understanding Coaching Vs. Counseling

Is coaching the same as counseling?
No – it is not.

What’s the difference between coaching and counseling?  One of the primary differences is in the approach.  Coaching is about taking actions and counseling is about coping.

  • Coaching IS NOT…

Coaching IS …

  • Connecting – listening, understanding,
    and empathizing
  • Accountable – focused, results-driven,
    and achievement
  • Motivation – enthusiastic, triumphant,
    and celebratory
  • Sustainable – behavior changing, reliable,
    and life changing

Disaster Recovery Coaching

Life has a way of throwing lemons at us unexpectedly and sometimes we can see them coming.  Either scenario can be disruptive causing life-changing events and requires life-altering decisions. Some common disaster lemons pertain to, but are not limited to:

  • Career
  • Divorce
  • Medical Diagnosis
  • Natural Disaster
  • Pandemic
  • Passing of a Loved One
  • Personal Tragedy

Disaster Recovery Coaching with LOL can help you strategize the lemons to create more life-comforting lemonade.

Guest Speaking

LOL is available to contribute perspective and support on various topics for small and large audiences.  Our proven ability to adapt to the client and/or audience needs makes us your ideal speaker.

Whether the setting is formal or informal, we are committed to helping achieve your desired goals.

Life Enrichment Programs

LOL is in the process of creating an array of programs to help enrich lives. We also welcome the opportunity to customize a program specific to your interest and goals.

Getting Started is Easy



Our process begins with a Free 30-minute consultation so that we may better understand your needs.

Set An Appointment

The next step is to set an appointment for your first session.

First Session

Your first sessions begins with a full personal assessment which will help identify your goals and future plans of action.

Contact Us

Ask a question or request an appointment below.
For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

214. 476. 1501

PO Box 381446, Duncanville, Texas 75138-1446